
Friends, welcome to the world of embroidery.

I am trying to put in here simple videos that would teach some basic freehand embroidery stitches. I would also put in details of varieties of embroidery of India with pictures - some that I have collected and some that I have done myself.

Oct 9, 2011

Chain Stitch

With tiny chain stitches you can create beautiful patterns. I have done this 'KOLAM' embroidery in chain stitch, with single strand of thread throughout.

Here are a couple inspiring embroidery in chain stitch.

1. Thread a needle with 2 strands of Anchor stranded cotton thread.
2. Tie a knot at the other end of the thread.

Note: As you do the embroidery, the thread becomes shorter. When about 3 inches of the thread is left in the needle, push the needle to the back side of the cloth and tie a knot. Take another length of 2 strands of thread and start stitching from the point you left earlier.

Here is the video demo for you to learn the stitch.


  1. Amazing way to use the chain stitch, never realised a traditional kolam can be made to look so beautiful.

    Please post more designs like this.

  2. Of all your work, I loved this one the most..Very beautiful and creative..Wish u put up a followers tab so that it is easy to stay updated with ur blog
